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āØ Hello There, I am Namitha Rayasam!
I am a Computer Science Enthusiastš
I am currently in my 3 semester!
I am Namitha Rayasam, a third semester student. Since childhood I've always been keenly interested in: i) computer science engineering ii)music. I am interested in AI/Ml, Robotics, Reinforcemnt Learning, Image Prcocessing, GenAi, Natural Language Processing
Add a description of yourself. I have wokred on projects involving robotics (SLAM) and Machine Learning. I love exploring new concepts and technologies such as LLMs, Multimodal Systems, and Generative Models
ā Iris Flower Classification using a Machine Learning Model using Python ā BuiltaclassificationmodelusingKNeighborsClassifier ā Vacation Rate Prediction using a Machine Learning Model using Python ā ExploredalgorithmslikeRandomForestRegressor,LinearRegression, GradientBoostingRegressor, DecisionTreeRegressor, MultiOutputRegressor GridSearchCV, etc. ā Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using 2D LiDAR ā Featuredetectionandtrackingsystemusing2DLiDARforSLAM. ā Tools:ROS,C++ ā MyroleprimarilyfocusedonimplementingalgorithmsinC++,utilizing ROS2 to execute them effectively, and visualization using RViz. ā Thisincludedcoding,debugging,andoptimizingthealgorithmstoensure they performed as intended within the ROS2 framework.
ā Programming Languages: Python, C, C++ ā Data Analysis: Pandas, NumPy ā Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn, Scipy, TensorFlow, xgboost ā Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn ā Statistical Analysis: Excel ā Tools: Jupyter Notebook, Git/GitHub ā Databases: SQL (basic) ā Robotics: Robot Operating System (ROS) ā HTML, CSS, MERN stack, MongoDB
10th CBSE: 95% 12th STATE: 98%
MRD Scholarship in sem-1